Community Solutions Programme
Additional Resources & Funding Information
Funding Information
Please select a drop-down option below to find out details on Community Solutions funds and funding application documents.
Open funds
The Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, an important Scotland-wide funding initiative for community and voluntary sector (CVS) organisations, funded by the Scottish Government and with fund management through the 32 Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) across Scotland on behalf of the government.
Phase 5 of the Children, Young People & Families Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund has now launched. This fund is open to organisations who work within school clusters in North Lanarkshire to support the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people and families.
Each locality host has responsibility for managing and administering a fund of £30,000 per year which provides small grants to community groups and voluntary organisations to deliver a new or improved activity to improve local wellbeing.
Overall funds (funding still active)
Anticipatory Care in North Lanarkshire aims to help connect older, frail adults to services and support at an early stage.
Phase 5 of the Children, Young People & Families Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund has now launched. This fund is open to organisations who work within school clusters in North Lanarkshire to support the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people and families.
Each locality host has responsibility for managing and administering a fund of £30,000 per year which provides small grants to community groups and voluntary organisations to deliver a new or improved activity to improve local wellbeing.
To enable community and voluntary organisations which receive funding through this scheme to enhance and extend regular and locally based support for carers, including:
- those providing care but who do not necessarily wish to identify with a carer’s organisation
- carers currently unknown to formal services
Community Transport supports vulnerable residents to travel to essential appointments and key activities, supporting their health, wellbeing and inclusion. Community Transport services are demand-responsive and therefore determined by service users’ requirements. lop proposals for funding.
Home Visiting and Befriending provides support to people who are lonely and isolated to increase their social support and inclusion and improve their quality of life and wellbeing.
Supporting patients and their carers around hospital discharge, signposting to immediate and longer-term sources of community support .
Supporting patients and their carers around hospital discharge, signposting to immediate and longer-term sources of community support .
Facilitation of the NL Carers’ Support Network;
- liaison with the NL Community and Voluntary Sector Partnership Group (NLCVSPG), Home-visiting and Befriending Network and Children, Young People and Families Network on carers’ issues;
- consultation and implementation of the Carers’ Engagement Tool (with Equals Advocacy) which has been in development;
- supporting implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, through above and active participation in HSC North Lanarkshire’s Carers Strategy Implementation Group (CSIG)
Provide guidance and support to funded carer projects to strengthen the support they provide to carers and to facilitate engagement of the carers they support in the Carers Support Network and other engagement opportunities.
Work collaboratively and in consultation with carers, carers support network and HSCNL to determine the support needs of carers, and in particular, hidden carers and develop proposals for funding.
The Community Mental Health and Wellbeing (CMHWB) Fund is a national fund established by the Scottish government in late 2021 to help local CVS groups provide increased mental health and wellbeing support. The Scottish Government asked the 32 Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) in Scotland – of which VANL is the interface for North Lanarkshire – to manage the funding on their behalf.
To help improve people’s physical, mental and social wellbeing through a locally co-ordinated approach to providing community-based support for vulnerable and equality groups as set out in the Community Solutions strategy
For further funding-related enquiries please contact
Additional Resources
Please select a drop-down option below to find out details on additional Community Solutions resources.
Community Solutions are piloting the use of Care Opinion for the Community and Voluntary Sector, as The Health and Social Care Partnership have taken out an extended subscription to cover all health and social care services.
Care Opinion is the UK's independent non-profit feedback platform for health and social care. On Care Opinion, you can anonymously share your honest experience of a health care or social care service within the last 3 years. Your feedback is directed to the people responsible for delivering the service, and they will respond in 7 days to discuss your story to inspire change.
All stories are reviewed by the Care Opinion team before they are shared to ensure that people are kept anonymous, and that the story can be targeted effectively.
To find out more, visit the Care Opinion website.
Take the pledge to become a positive smoke-free role model
Not smoking around children is the best way to encourage them to grow up not to smoke.
VANL is working in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire on the Positive Smoke-Free Role Models project which has a particular focus on children, and works towards:
- Preventing children and young people becoming the next generation of people who smoke
- Protecting children, adults, and pets from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke
To support and promote these goals throughout Lanarkshire, we’re asking you to take the pledge to become a positive smoke-free role model for children and young people.
Whether it’s not smoking around children, making your home and car smoke-free, or positively influencing others to get involved and take the pledge, you can be a positive smoke-free role model for children and young people.
You don’t have to smoke to take the pledge, everyone can get involved!
Take a few minutes out of your day and take the pledge here.