HSCNL Services
Adult social care and support at home, in the community and residential care
Primary and community health services such as GPs; occupational and physiotherapy; community mental health services
Health improvement support on issues such as smoking cessation and weight management
HSCNL’s Commissioning Plan sets out the approach to providing these services which includes:
Tackling health inequalities
Prevention and early intervention
Person-centred support
Effective, safe, quality and timely care
HSCNL Partners
HSCNL involves staff working for North Lanarkshire Council, NHS Lanarkshire; community and voluntary sector CVS and independent (private) sector. Service users and carers are also actively involved.
Funding for HSCNL comes from North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire and HSCNL is led by a formal body called the Integrated Joint Board (IJB). Members of the IJB include:
Staff from North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire who are voting members
Representatives of service users and carers (non-voting)
CVS representation through the CEO of VANL (non-voting).
HSCNL is also supported by a number of linked, complementary partnerships and initiatives, including: