
Finding a Formal Volunteering Role in North Lanarkshire

There are a wide range of formal volunteering roles in North Lanarkshire including: 

• Providing social support to someone – such as befriending, peer support or mentoring
• Supporting patients in hospital or care home residents with social visits, shopping or other types of support
• Providing information and advice through organisations such as a Citizens Advice Bureau
• Helping out with community groups such as lunch clubs and food banks, faith groups, sport groups, community art and heritage groups
• "Green volunteering” including environmental conservation and community gardens
• Supporting community safety as a volunteer police officer or firefighter
• Helping with renovations of community buildings
• Helping out in a charity shop
• Becoming a trustee of a charity

People in North Lanarkshire who want to find a formal volunteer role can do so by:

Registering through Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire using this form

Contacting local volunteer-involving organisations directly such as community groups, charities, social enterprises and public sector organisations such as NHS Lanarkshire, Police, Fire and Rescue and the council.  

Searching for local, regional and national opportunities through Volunteer Scotland in the search function below

Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire -
Support for Volunteers

People that register as a volunteer with Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire (VANL) will receive guidance and support; our Volunteering North Lanarkshire bulletin and be invited to volunteering events. You can read more about the support VANL provides in this leaflet.

If you have any queries about volunteering please contact volunteering@vanl.co.uk

Search for volunteering opportunities in North Lanakrshire using the search function below.

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